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Remember Everyone Is Emotional

Remember everyone is emotional and that people are all going through the ups and downs of life, so try not to take it personally when people get angry, and try to comfort or support others when they are in a bad mood.

The critical 7 rules to understand people - Scott H. Young

Perhaps this is an exaggeration. But the core of the message is that people tend to have stronger feelings about something than they let on. People who regularly have outbursts of anger, depression or flamboyant enthusiasm are generally frowned upon in most cultures. This especially applies to men (for women trying to figure us out). The application of this rule is to not assume everything is fine just because someone isnā€™t having a nervous breakdown. We all have our individual problems, angst and upsets that are normally contained.

Exercise Every Day

Exercise every day because it improves your body, your mind, and makes you happier and more productive on the day in which you exercise.

What happens to our brains when we exercise and how it makes us happier - Buffer

A recent study from Penn State university shed some light on the matter and the results are more than surprising. They found that to be more productive and happier on a given work day, it doesnā€™t matter so much, if you work-out regularly, if you havenā€™t worked out on that particular day. Think about starting small and then start even smaller: Here is a little secret. When I first started exercising, I did it with 5 minutes per day, 3 times a week. Can you imagine that? 5 minutes of timed exercise, 3 times a week? Thatā€™s nothing you might be thinking. And you are right, because the task is so easy and anyone can succeed with it, you can really start to make a habit out of it. Try no more than 5 or 10 minutes if you are getting started.

Turn Problems Into Challenges

Turn your problems into challenges or goals that you can overcome or accomplish in order to be happier and improve your life.

15 Powerful things happy people do differently - Purpose Fairy

Happy people will see problems as challenges, as opportunities to explore new ways of doing things, expressing their gratitude for them, understanding that underneath them all lay many opportunities that will allow them to expand and to grow.

Remember The Autosuggestion Principle

Remember that you can influence your mind positively and change your life for the better by using the principle of autosuggestion.

Think And Grow Rich - Goodreads

Through the dominating thoughts which one permits to remain in the conscious mind, whether these thoughts be negative or positive is immaterial, the principle of autosuggestion voluntarily reaches the subconscious mind and influences it with these thoughts. Recall what has been said about the subconscious mind resembling a fertile garden spot, in which weeds will grow in abundance, if the seeds of more desirable crops are not sown therein. Autosuggestion is the agency of control through which an individual may voluntarily feed his subconscious mind on thoughts of a creative nature, or, by neglect, permit thoughts of a destructive nature to find their way into this rich garden of the mind.

Begin With The End In Mind

Begin with the end of your task, goal, project, or dream in your mind by mentally envisioning it and creating a written description or picture of exactly what you want the end result to look like when the project or vision is completed.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Goodreads

To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you're going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction. "Begin with the end in mind" is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There's a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things. Take the construction of a home, for example. You create it in every detail before you ever hammer the first nail into place. You try to get a very clear sense of what kind of house you want.

Choose To Be Happy

Choose to be happy with your current situation and life, as research has shown happiness may come down to your attitude and perception, not our faulty estimation of what we think we want, even big changes like getting a dream job, goal, partner, or money.

The surprising science of happiness - Dan Gilbert - YouTube

Dan Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, challenges the idea that we'll be miserable if we don't get what we want. Our "psychological immune system" lets us feel truly happy even when things don't go as planned.

Cultivate A Positive Environment

Cultivate a positive environment by reading and listening to more positive information and entertainment sources, and choosing to spend time around positive people.

How to stay positive: 11 Smart habits - Positivity Blog

Who you choose to spend your time with and the input you get from further away like the TV, the internet and magazines will have a huge effect on your outlook. To be able to stay positive it is essential to have influences in your life that support you and lift you up instead of dragging you down. So carefully consider what you let into your mind.

How To Get Things Done

When it comes to completing tasks, finishing projects, reaching goals, achieving dreams, or doing anything else in this world, I think you need to know what steps to take.

I believe we need to focus on exactly what to do, and less on how or why to do something. These are what I have found to be the 8 most important actual steps you need to take when trying to complete any project, accomplish any goal, reach any dream, or make any change in your life. We're talking the nuts and bolts of exactly what to do to get things done. Whether it is a dream as huge as climbing a mountain, a goal as big as writing a book, a weekend project like painting the deck, or a task as small as getting milk at the grocery store.


  1. Choose A Goal
  2. Write It Down
  3. Visualize It
  4. Talk About It
  5. Create A Habit
  6. Create A Log
  7. Imagine Plans
  8. Enjoy Your Habit


Make separate lists of tasks and goals you want to get done.

Dream big dreams. Believe all things are possible. - Unknown

I have tried many different methods, advice, tips, and tricks to reach your dreams and achieve your goals. I have used trial and error from many amazing writers to find out what really works. The result is that I have found these steps to be the most essential actions to take when trying to reach a goal, complete a task, or make any change in your life and in the lives of others. These are the 8 key steps which have allowed me to set and achieve goals and dreams. I believe and hope they will work for you as well.

1. Choose A Goal

Decide on one specific goal or task that is important to you.

If you chase two rabbits, you will lose them both. - Native American Saying

In order to reach a goal you need to decide on exactly what you really want. To do this, you can come up with some ideas of goals or tasks you would like to achieve by making a list. But after you brainstorm a number of goals, it is very important that you choose just one goal you really want to achieve the most. If you do not prioritize and focus on what is truly important to achieve in your life, you will be distracted by less important trivialities that life throws at you.

2. Write It Down

Write your goal or task down in a single sentence on paper.

'Begin with the end in mind' is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There's a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things. - Stephen R. Covey - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

When setting a goal, you should first decide on exactly what you want to achieve. After you have decided on your goal, write it down on paper. Make your goal very specific. Sure, keep a list of goals that you want to achieve on your computer. But for your most important goal write it down. Write it down on a piece of paper that you keep in your pocket.

3. Visualize It

Read andĀ visualizeĀ your written goal today and every day.

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve...Man may become the master of himself, and of his environment, because he has the power to influence his own subconscious mind - Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich

In order to visualize a goal you should first write a specific goal down in a single sentence on a piece of paper. Then simply grab that paper and read that sentence. Now, every day read that goal over and over again at least twice a day. Once when you get up in the morning, and once before you go to bed at night. If you haven't actually tried it before, you really need to follow this advice and do it every day. Do it right now. Read and visualize your goal at least twice a day, every day, at the same time.

4. Talk About It

TalkĀ about your goalĀ with someone every day or once a week.

The 'Master Mind' may be defined as: 'Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose. - Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich

You need to create what is called a mastermind group, and tell at least one other person about your goal. Not only can you get help from other people, but maybe more importantly you can get ideas from them. So make sure to listen intently to what others say while you are talking about your goal with them. This is all about thinking about your goal constantly and getting ideas from anywhere you can. While talking about your goal is best, you may also want to write about your goal in a journal, which is basically just recorded talking on paper. Writing about your goal is a very powerful tool, and can be used in place of talking if you can't find someone to talk to.

5. Create A Habit

TakeĀ actionĀ towards your goal today and every day.

A habit is any action you do every day at the same time and place. You will ultimately achieve your goals not just by thinking about them, but by taking daily action. - Munro Stewart

You need to find the time, any way you can, to make a daily habit to work towards your goal. I don't care what else is going on in your life. This can be as little as 10 minutes a day, but you need to do it every day. If you can work your way up to setting aside 1-2 hours every day to work towards your goal, all the better. One tip though. It is best to start extremely small with this habit, like 5 minutes a day. You will grow and develop the habit later through repetition.

6. Create A Log

LogĀ your daily habit by placing positiveĀ check marksĀ on a calendar.

It is important to keep track of what you have accomplished, and feel good about it. A check mark on a calendar is the simplest way to remember and log your habits and achievements. - Munro Stewart

The most important step in this list is creating a daily habit where you take action towards your goal. Now you need to log your daily habit by putting a single check mark on a paper calendar on the day you complete this habit. The calendar should probably be hanging on theĀ wall by your bed, on the wall by your computer, or even in a pocket calendar or hand drawn paper calendar in your pocket if possible. Similarly to your written goal, your calendar needs to be somewhere that you look at it every day at multiple times during the day.

7. Imagine Plans

Think about plans, ideas, and tasks to reach your goal and write them down.

Here is a basic truth: To do anything, we must first believe it can be done. Believing something can be done sets the mind in motion to find a way to do it. - David J. Schwartz - Magic of Thinking Big

Here's the next step. When plans or ideas for how to reach your goal come to you during any of the other steps here, write them down. And you may also want to commit to another 5 or 10 minute brainstorming session each day to think about and prioritize ideas or steps to take to reach your goal. You need to take time to ponder and think about your goal in solitude. You need to come up with ideas of what you should do next to help you achieve your goal. If you want to take thisĀ a step further, you may also want toĀ write down your most important task or tasks for today. The tasks or mini goalĀ that you will work on today as part of your daily action habit.

8. Enjoy Your Habit

Make sure youĀ enjoyĀ the daily habit and the journey.

Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. - Greg Anderson

I believe from all the reading and research I have done that people are not born geniuses. And they are certainly not born with a list of accomplishments already done. So enjoy the daily activities thatĀ you complete as you work towards your goal. Get excited. Have fun. Take pride in what you are doing. Make sure you choose a habit that you can actually feel good about while you are doing it, and after you have done it. You can also reward yourself once in a while in other ways when you complete a tough habit or want to pat yourself on theĀ back. ButĀ there is nothing like the intrinsic motivation you get when you feel good while doing something.


Decide on one specific goal or task that is important to you.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Lao Tzu

Turning your thoughts into action works ifĀ you want to change anything about yourself or the world, big or small. If you really want something with all of your heart itā€™s what you think and believe that matter. You then take action every day to turn what you see in your mindā€™s thoughts into something in real life. The steps above allow you to do just that and achieve whatever youĀ desire. Just start with step one, take it one step at a time, and enjoy the journey. You are in control of your life, your goals, your dreams, and your destiny. And you can do this.

September 2nd, 2023
How To Get Things Done - Extended

What Does Thinkist Mean?

Thinkist is a made up word that the founder of Life Thinkist came up with. The term thinkist was coined to describe a person with a certain set of philosophies about life.

In my mind, someone who is a thinkist is a person that is interested in improving their life, getting things done, setting goals, and learning to be happier. Without hearing the definition before, you might know if you are a thinkist or not, or maybe if you are starting to become one. Basically you are a thinker. And you use your thoughts to help you achieve what you want in your life.

Who Are Thinkists?

The word is also used for the website and to describe the people that might use the website orĀ be interested in the type of tips, information, ideas, news, and apps that are talked about on the website. OneĀ idea was that people who use the website might even call themselves thinkists.

Improve your life, get things done, achieve what you want, and learn to be happier.

What Is The Definition?

When I thought of the word, a google search pretty much turned up only the quote "I'm the thinkist, you're the typist.", which of course is unrelated to our new definition. I was intrigued that the word hadn't really been used before, and was certainly not in the dictionary. I liked the word so much that I used it in naming the new Life Thinkist website. So then, what would be the actual definition for the word thinkist? What concept did I think was so important to both create a website about, and make a new word with a new definition? In May 2014 I defined a thinkist on the website as the following.

Thinkist - "A person who uses their thinking and thoughts to transform their life and the world around them for the better. Their thoughts propel them to ultimately take action towards making their vision come true." - Munro Stewart

The Philosophy Of A Thinkist

If you have found this website, you have probably started to become interested in learning about some of the same topics that I have been fascinated with. Things like life improvement, getting things done, happiness, goal setting, productivity, lifehacking, and simplicity. You may have already read some of the same books, articles, and information. You might have used some of the same software or apps to help you in your life. Or maybe this website is one of the first places you have come, and you can use it as a resource to become a thinkist and achieve what you want in your life. Being a thinkist is more of a philosophy on life and a term used to describe many of the things I have learned about life over the years. In coming up with the word, one possible goal is that it grows and becomes popular to mean something to people when they hear it. To kind of popularize a certain set of philosophies or principles about life and achieving what you want in the world.

ā€œWhatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieveā€¦Man may become the master of himself, and of his environment, because he has the power to influence his own subconscious mindā€ - Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich

The History Of Thinkists

I can't contribute the term thinkist to any one particular place. Really this idea comes from ideas and principles written about in so many books and by so many great people who have discovered truths about how you can be proactive and achieve what you want in this world. Some people have set out to learn about and teach about this stuff. People like Stephen Covey, David Allen, and Leo Babauta. While others naturally use these principles to gain great happiness or achieve great success, possibly without even knowing about the principles they've unintentionally used to do what they have done. People like Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, and Mahatma Ghandi have used the tools of a thinkist whether they know it or not. And maybe you have, or someone you know. IfĀ it were up to me, the term would evolve and not just be attributed to one person, book, or idea that I have read. With that said, I believe the author Napolean Hill is certainly one of the first well known people to write with such great clarity about a lot of the philosophies that I think of when I came up with the word thinkist. And for me, Think and Grow Rich would probablyĀ be one of the most important books I have read on the subject if I had to name just one.

Thinkists Keep Their Mind Open

However, the goal of being a thinkist or coming up with the word isn't to become a doctrine that is too rigid with a specific set of rules. Many people can be considered a thinkist, even if their idea of what it means to be a thinkist is slightly different.

All fixed set patterns are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns...Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own. - Bruce Lee - Tao of Jeet Kune Do

October 13th, 2014

Goals And Dream For Life Thinkist

I love reading and learning about the following subjectsĀ and feel I've learned a great deal about them.

  • Life Improvement
  • Goal Setting and Habits
  • Productivity and Task Management
  • Lifehacking and Software
  • Simplicity and Minimalism
  • Happiness and Positivity
  • Physical and Mental Health
  • Simple Finances and Independence

There are a lot of great websites and resources out there for learning about these topics. Essentially places for learning about how to live life. One thing I've noticed is that there is so much information out there that it can be hard to find the good stuff. That is a gap that Life Thinkist hopes to at least help fill.

One main goal ofĀ Life Thinkist will be to find links to the best articles out there. Life Thinkist may not provide really long commentary other than maybe a paragraph or a sentence to many links and articles. It's a place to come to in order to find the great news and resources out there on life improvement written by many great writers. We still may provide some longer features written here because I also have someĀ ideas myself that I may sometimes feel inspired to write about. But these longer features will probably be infrequent, and the main goal will be to provide the best news and links that are out there.

Another thing I've noticed is that the subject of "Life Improvement" or "Productivity" isn't really thought of as "News". Subjects like sports, entertainment, and technology all have such a strong following with popular blogs which provide news.Ā Whereas with life improvement blogs, many of the websites are one person magazine type blogs with articles written by one person. I absolutely love many of these magazine blogs by all kinds of amazing writers. I read them all the time. But I wondered if we couldn't get some more useful and helpful life improvement information out to people if we thought of all of these blogs more as news.

So one crazy goal for Life Thinkist is to make "Life Improvement", or just "Life", a news topic. To be a source to find the best of all the great news, articles, blogs, books, and other resources out there on life improvement and the above topics. And though it sounds like a crazy dream, to ultimately help improve not just people's lives but humanity as a whole. Maybe by making life improvement more like news and simpler for people, we can get more people interested in reading about it and finding little tips that they can actually use to help transform and improve their life and the world around them.

Thirdly, Life Thinkist is going to try to make people feel at least a part of a community as we learn together. Life Thinkist will try to provide a place that people enjoy coming to because they know that the creators and the other people who read it are there for a similar passion and reason. I don't know if Life Thinkist will ever grow to become much of a community other than a few comments. But I do know a big goal is to create a community of people around Life Improvement news and information, and to try to bring these people with a similar interest the best news and links on life improvement.

I don't know how long this website will last and I expect theĀ goal for the website may change over time if it does last awhile. If it becomes successful enough to gain some loyal readers then I'm hoping that the website will grow and adapt with the readers and the community that supports it. I hope to listen to theĀ community and anyone who becomes interested in the website so that I can find news, links, articles, information, and other resources that are useful and interesting to people who are interested in life improvement. At the same time, I know the subjects that I'm interested in and Life Thinkist will adapt with what I find interesting as well.

So the goal of Life Thinkist is to be a source which provides people with links to the best news, information, and articles on improving your life, getting things done, and learning how to be happy. We also hope to provide a community where people can have an intelligent discussion about these topics. Please enjoy the website and make comments on any of the articles so that we can build a community around improving our lives,Ā getting things done, and learning to be happier.

May 2nd, 2014

Keep Notes In Text Files

Why would you choose to use text files for notes and lists instead of using a notes app? There are a number of advantages to writing your notes in simple .txt files using a text editor.

Keeping notes and lists in text files might not be everyone's cup of tea. But here are a few of the key reasons why I have kept a lot of notes, lists, tasks, journals, and other information in regular old text files.

1. Open Anywhere and No Data Lock-In

What's great about using .txt files for notes and lists is that you can open the files literally on any device. You don't have to worry about having the app or web app to open your files and read your information. You don't have to worry about your information being locked into a file format, operating system, or website that you can't get it out of. With Evernote, you need to use their apps and their apps only. They hold your data hostage, and if they decided now not to offer a free version, you'd either have to pay whatever they said to pay for it or be out of luck with all of your data.

2. Future Proof and Company Independent

You can open text files on any device, both now and way in the future. Text doesn't depend on a single company or piece of software existing to support a file format or web service. Plus, if you ever find or build a working time machine, you could even open a text file on a computer from 30 years ago. Though I don't know why you'd want to go back to the 80's. Before Google Keep, Google had Google Notes and they completely terminated it leaving people kind of helpless if they had used it. They came out with Google Keep, an extremely similar product, years later.

3. Simple, Like Writing on Paper

You don't need to use complicated software or worry about formatting when you use text. Remember, we used to just write things on pieces of paper. Think simple like that. I love software, but it's also amazing how complicated we ended up making it. Think of the difference from a pencil, eraser, and a piece of paper compared to Microsoft Word. It's crazy, because often what is really important is just the information, the text.

4. Text is Text, Words are Words

Writing in text files is more like writing on paper. You write exactly what you want and you don't worry about formatting. You can pass that text file literally anywhere like you would a book. You can copy it into anything and it looks exactly the same. You can open up the file and it looks exactly like how you wrote it. Open up a .html file or a .docx file in a text editor to see what is really in there.

Always bet on text

5. Actual Files, Sync, and Backup

Text files are actual files that can be saved, opened, synced, and backed up anywhere like mp3s, jpgs, or doc files. So not only can you open them up anywhere, but they exist on your computer, devices, USB drives, or hard drives. You own them. It's not just out there on the Internet somewhere. However, because they are files you can also still sync and access your text notes online using online storage services like Dropbox. Online storage services are great for keeping notes in text files because they allow you to sync your actual files both online and offline, so you stay in control of your own data and information.

6. Quick Entry of Notes and Lists

If you've typically used online services like Evernote, you might consider trying text files first as a quicker option for an inbox or notepad of sorts. Some people just like using a simpler app to jot down notes and lists in text files. Even if they use a more serious app for bigger reference material which includes pictures, audio, and document formatting. Text files are more like a paper notebook that you can quickly write down notes, lists, journals, tasks, or any information you want. It's a lot quicker to edit text files because text editors are much simpler pieces of software than Microsoft Word and other online alternatives for writing formatted notes.

February 5th, 2014

Remember Heroes Want To Help

Superman never made any money, savin' the world from Solomon Grundy. And sometimes I despair the world will never see another man like him.

Superman's Song - Crash Test Dummies

Tarzan wasn't a ladies' man
He'd just come along and scoop 'em up under his arm like that
Quick as a cat in the jungle

But Clark Kent now there was a real gent
He would not be caught sittin' around in no junglescape,
Dumb as an ape doing nothing

Superman never made any money
For saving the world from Solomon Grundy
And sometimes I despair the world will never see another man like him

Look For Peace Of Mind

Are you looking for peace of mind? You won't find it in your status line.

Contact High - Allen Stone

Are you looking for peace of mind?
You won't find it in your status line
What are you trying to prove?
Whose mountain are you trying to move?

I fell for it, too, yeah
Whatever keeps you occupied
Whatever gives you contact high
Whatever keeps you busy, baby
Will never make you satisfied

Are you looking for security
Validation or identity?
You won't find it in things
The more you got, oh, the less you see, yeah

I've been all over the world, yeah
I've dug for diamonds and I've dove for pearls
And the real treasure that we all seek
Is hiding in plain sight of me, oh