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Life Scholar • Play Curator
Soci Author • Tech Officer

I've Been Smiling Lately

Oh I've been smiling lately, dreaming about the world as one. And I believe it could be, some day it's going to come.

Peace Train - Cat Stevens

Oh I've been smiling lately, dreaming about the world as one
And I believe it could be, some day it's going to come

Cause out on the edge of darkness, there rides a peace train
Oh peace train take this country, come take me home again

Now I've been smiling lately, thinking about the good things to come
And I believe it could be, something good has begun

Oh peace train sounding louder
Glide on the peace train
Come on now peace train

Your Own Original Ideas

But if all of that isn't built on your own original ideas and truthful analysis, it doesn't mean anything.

The Whale - Rotten Tomatoes

At this point in the course, I have given you all that I can in terms of structure, building a thesis, paragraph organization. But if all of that isn't built on your own original ideas and truthful analysis, it doesn't mean anything. Think about that, as you write and revise. Think about the truth of your argument.

I Don't Know How To Be Myself

I can see the type of man I want to be versus the type of man I actually am and I know that I'm doing it but I'm incapable of what needs to be done.

The Double - Rotten Tomatoes

I don't know how to be myself. It's like I'm permanently outside myself. Like you could push your hands straight through me if you wanted to. I can see the type of man I want to be versus the type of man I actually am and I know that I'm doing it but I'm incapable of what needs to be done. I'm like Pinocchio, a wooden boy. Not a real boy. And it kills me.