Polyprax - Scholar of Wellbeing
Tips & quotes to make your life better
Welfare Educator • Teacher • Motivator
Lifestyle Researcher • Learner • Student

Change Your Thoughts

Think positively and change your thoughts or mindset to a new way of thinking about something in order to improve your wellbeing and get things done.

8 Ways to radically increase your productivity - The Globe And Mail

You are what you think. You cannot think negatively and have unlimited success. If you think negatively about business and finances [or leisure and relationships, or whatever else you want to change or improve in your life], your subjective experience will be a lack of both, whether or not that is true in reality. Discipline your mind towards the goals of what you want your productivity to look like and start putting the effort in right now to get there. Keep in mind that suffering over your own suffering doesn't work. Know the negative thought patterns you hold which require change and be deliberate in changing them.

Exercise Every Day

Exercise every day because it improves your body, your mind, and makes you happier and more productive on the day in which you exercise.

What happens to our brains when we exercise and how it makes us happier - Buffer

A recent study from Penn State university shed some light on the matter and the results are more than surprising. They found that to be more productive and happier on a given work day, it doesn’t matter so much, if you work-out regularly, if you haven’t worked out on that particular day. Think about starting small and then start even smaller: Here is a little secret. When I first started exercising, I did it with 5 minutes per day, 3 times a week. Can you imagine that? 5 minutes of timed exercise, 3 times a week? That’s nothing you might be thinking. And you are right, because the task is so easy and anyone can succeed with it, you can really start to make a habit out of it. Try no more than 5 or 10 minutes if you are getting started.

Get Started, Then Get Up

Get started by doing something for just a minute or two, and then get up to applaud yourself for getting started.

Ways to do what you don’t want to do - Zen Habits

If you have to write something, just write a sentence. Then get up, get some water, stretch. Pat yourself on the back for getting started! Now do a little more: write a few more sentences. Get up, take a mental break (don’t go to another website), do a few pushups. Go back, do a bit more. Pretty soon, you’re in the flow of it.

Remember Everyone Is Emotional

Remember everyone is emotional and that people are all going through the ups and downs of life, so try to comfort or cheer up others who get angry or are in a bad mood.

The critical 7 rules to understand people - Scott H. Young

Perhaps this is an exaggeration. But the core of the message is that people tend to have stronger feelings about something than they let on. People who regularly have outbursts of anger, depression or flamboyant enthusiasm are generally frowned upon in most cultures. This especially applies to men (for women trying to figure us out). The application of this rule is to not assume everything is fine just because someone isn’t having a nervous breakdown. We all have our individual problems, angst and upsets that are normally contained.