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North By Matchbox Twenty Album Review

Matchbox Twenty was one of my favorite bands and I love their first 3 albums. I thought Exile on Mainstream was pretty good too even though it had more of a pop feel. I was hoping that this new album might go back to the roots of Matchbox Twenty's alternative rock albums that I liked so much. I haven't listened to any of the songs on this album before this including any singles. Here are some of my thoughts on each song without looking anywhere else or knowing what songs other people like.


  • 1 Parade 8/10
  • 2 She's So Mean 3/10
  • 3 Overjoyed 5/10
  • 4 Put Your Hands Up 4/10
  • 5 Our Song 6/10
  • 6 I Will 5/10
  • 7 English Town 8/10
  • 8 How Long 4/10
  • 9 Radio 5/10
  • 10 The Way 3/10
  • 11 Like Sugar 5/10
  • 12 Sleeping At The Wheel 5/10
  • Conclusion

1. Parade 8/10

Great start. Feels a bit like old Matchbox Twenty songs that really make you think about something in your life even if the lyrics are slightly different. And it hits you hard emotionally like those old songs. Good to hear something more like the old Matchbox Twenty than the more pop songs on their Exile on Mainstream "short" album.

2. She's So Mean 3/10

Too much pop for me. Not my favorite song. Good lyrics though if it was sang with more alternative music. Even more pop than Exile on Mainstream. Actually made me laugh and reminded me of boy bands from 90s. Honestly they never would have gotten as popular if they started playing songs like this in the late 90s. But the chorus and the last part of the song does get a bit better with at least a little oomph. It could grow on me even if it's overproduced pop, but initial impression is it's too much pop and I don't really like it. And I still have to laugh a little that this is Matchbox Twenty after songs like on their first album.

3. Overjoyed 5/10

Shows off Rob Thomas' voice like he used to sing. I like his singing in it, but the song is just ok. It's a simple song with a nice lyrical sentiment but doesn't really hit you emotionally like the old Matchbox Twenty. But still gives you a good feeling listening to it. In general, women will probably like this song more than men, and it could be a favorite on the radio or with women.

4. Put Your Hands Up 4/10

Whoa is this dance music? I don't really like it, only because I was hoping for the old Matchbox Twenty. For a new sound I guess it's a decent song but not really my thing. Maybe this will be an eclectic album showing off lots of different styles because the first 4 songs all seem to have a different feel. Might not be a good sign. It's after listening to this I'm thinking this will be more of a pop album than going back to the old sound of their first 3 albums, even though the first song sounded good.

5. Our Song 6/10

Yeah this looks to be a pop album. Out of the tracks 2-5 pop songs I think this would be my favorite after the first few listens, as it isn't as crazy as the others. But none of these songs hit you emotionally like the old Matchbox Twenty even if the lyrics are still pretty good like the old Matchbox Twenty. Yeah this song is pretty decent for a pop song. Reminds me a bit of the songs on Exile on Mainstream, because even though it is a pop song, it at least has a bit of a rock feel and sounds ok.

6. I Will 5/10

Similar to Overjoyed. It's an ok song, with the best part being Rob Thomas' voice and the way he sings. If you wanted some pop ballads this and Overjoyed would make you happy. But I'm pretty sure at this point that I'm not going to love this album, even if I try to accept and embrace a new sound. Even their last album which was at least ok, Exile on Mainstream, had a harder pop feel to it that made you feel good. It's kind of a sweet song though. But the difference between a feel good pop song like this, and a more emotional ballad like 3 am or Last Beautiful Girl is large. And those are the songs I love, not simple pop tunes like this.

7. English Town 8/10

OK here we go. This is ok. A second song, like the opener, that has more of a heavier rock feel to it like the old Matchbox Twenty. I kind of like this song. The chorus hits you hard and you can actually hear guitars like a rock band instead of synthesizers or whatever you hear on the pop songs on the earlier tracks. The lyrics are vague so they don't tell a story as good as the songs from the old albums, or even some of the pop songs on this album. But this is definitely another song that I like, along with Parade.

8. How Long 4/10

I just can't like pop as much as rock. If I liked pop I bet I would like this song a lot. Still the synthesizers or whatever are a bit much. I just want to hear the melody and the singing, not a special effect. Once again good lyrics though. Considering their age, they are coming up with some good stories to tell. It's just too bad that the people that will like these songs will be 12 year old girls that wear dresses and go to church instead of 16 year old boys and girls that hate their parents and the world; that drink and try to figure out how to have fun; like any normal adolescent or young adult growing up in the 90s and listening to alternative music did. Yeah I don't like this song much and I'm just waiting to see if there are any more real songs on this album like Parade and English Town.

9. Radio 5/10

Maybe listening to this much pop starts to make you accept and like it, but I actually like this song more than most on this album. I guess there are a few different styles of pop on this album too which is interesting. The verses on this song feel like it has a bit of a 50s or 60s vibe to me. It's an ok song with a bit of a swing feel to it. Still can't endorse this as a great Matchbox Twenty song though. They definitely have a different style now, and for me it's for the worse, even if I had a feeling they may lighten up this much as they matured. Exile on Mainstream was ok, but this is too much pop for me to be a great album.

10. The Way 3/10

On this song, not only is the song soft without much soul, but Rob Thomas' voice is also countryized. If they continue down this path, I could see their next album being pop country with Thomas voice sounding like this on most songs. But yeah I don't like this song much. At least on some of the other songs you hear Rob Thomas' cool voice, but this just sounds like any generic pop or country song by anyone on the radio.

11. Like Sugar 5/10

OK at least we have the real Rob Thomas back here. This one may grow on me as it has a bit of soul to it, but it just doesn't seem to come together. It starts out ok, but the chorus just isn't good enough, and the whoa-oh-oh-oh and the effects that come in after the chorus ruin it a bit. At least it has a bit of soul to it, unlike most of the pop songs on the album.

12. Sleeping At The Wheel 5/10

Nice song to finish. Good build-up to the later part of the song. More good lyrics with a good message. Regardless of the rating I gave this, it could end up my third favorite songs after a few more listens, but like most songs on this album, I sadly don't love it and probably won't even after a few more listens.


I like the opener, Parade, and the other track that sounds like the old Matchbox Twenty, English Town. If I could embrace the new pop sound of the band maybe I could open my musical tastes and enjoy the album as it is a decent album of pop songs probably. But I can't recommend this album, and certainly not to an old Matchbox Twenty fan like myself. I like the alternative Matchbox Twenty that sang songs with emotion, soul, and a lyrical story that hit you like a ton of bricks. This is pop. And even though this album is listenable and I could learn to like it, I have to admit that I just like rock songs a whole lot more.

Favorite Female Rock Singers

Listening to the new Metric album this weekend I started thinking about some of my favorite female singers of the last twenty years. The women who’s voices are so original and unmistakeable and that I liked immediately the first time I heard them in one of their great songs. Here are ten of my favorites. For rock singers and women that are mostly in bands, five of my favorites would be Emily Haines (Metric), Florence Welch (Florence and the Machine), Tegan and Sara, Doloris O’Riordan (The Cranberries), and Left Eye Lopes (TLC). And for singer songwriter and vocalist types, five of my favorites are Joss Stone, Frazey Ford, Norah Jones, Jewel, and Natalie Merchant. Those ten cover quite a few different genres and styles of music too. Any time I hear one of these voices it generally puts me in a pretty good mood.

Josh Hamilton Hits 4 Homers

It’s really too bad that Josh Hamilton doesn’t know how to hit a baseball. And it’s scary how good he might have been if he didn’t have all the personal problems he has had and miss like 6 years of playing baseball because of drugs basically. He’s who I now think of when I think of a real ballplayer that I’ve watched that might be like the guy in The Natural. Him and Ken Griffey Jr.

Josh Hamilton rips 4 two-run HRs vs Orioles

Blue Jays Spring Training Record

After winning yesterday here is the Blue Jays record so far in spring training. They've just won 8 in a row and have 7 games left.

  • 20-4 - .833 - TOR - 2012

Here are the 4 best records in spring since 2003. These are the only records above a .700 winning percentage. Also, the least amount of games lost by a team in spring in those years is 8.

  • 26-9 - .765 - LAA - 2009
  • 20-8 - .714 - TB - 2010
  • 24-10 - .706 - NYY - 2009
  • 19-8 - .704 - KC - 2003

Also this article says that spring can mean something, at least when you look at all the records combined. It doesn't mean the Blue Jays will have a great year but according to this article if they have the best record in spring they probably have a good chance of at least having a good season and finishing over a .500 winning percentage.

Spring training records really matter

Well, a 10-year look (it didn’t take me 10 years to do it, I just looked at numbers over a 10-year period!) at MLB’s spring training records reveals some interesting trends. You might have heard that “the numbers never lie;” the numbers I discovered should give baseball fans a little more reason to pay attention to spring training standings.

Here are some of the tidbits that I unearthed while looking at spring training records over the past 10 years:

• Out of the past 20 World Series participants since 2002, only six had a spring training record worse than one game under .500.
• Seven of the 10 teams that had the worst overall spring training record went on to finish last or next-to-last in their division that season.
• Only two of the 11 teams (two teams tied one year) with the best overall spring training record had a losing record that season.

Little Black Submarines Song

Little Black Submarines by The Black Keys really deserves to be an epic song of about nine minutes long. That’s why they aren’t Guns n' Roses or Queen. It’s typical Black Keys. At just over four minutes it’s long for a Black Keys song and hits hard and fast once it gets going. By the end of it you think you’ve heard about four different songs and all the guitar riffs leave your head spinning with more pleasure than a kid playing with a toy top. - 9/10

Sports Stars Names Then And Now

Realized one interesting difference between sports stars from 20 years ago and today. They used to be known or referred to by their last names instead of first names or hyphenated names. Gretzky, Jordan, Bird, Bonds, Griffey vs Sid, Lebron, A-Rod, Pedro, Tiger. Miss the old days when the coolest name for someone was just using their last name.

Good News For Cubs Hiring Theo Epstein

Just heard that the Cubs have hired GM Theo Epstein away from the Red Sox. My first thought is that he will do what it takes to sign Albert Pujols and make him a Cub. They probably weren’t really in the hunt for Pujols but my hunch says he wants him and could get him since the Yankees have Teixeira, the Red Sox have Gonzalez, and Fielder is also a free agent for another big market team to get.

Blue Jays Lineup Predictions For 2011

Here are a few different predictions I have about the Blue Jays lineup for 2011. I haven't heard anyone talk about some of these possibilities at this point. A couple of these predictions are somewhat unlikely but I think there is a chance they could happen. These changes to the lineup are based on the Blue Jays having their current roster of players and working with what they have. If they make any other offseason moves it would obviously change the lineup and what lineup they go with. Also, I think the batting order will change quite a bit depending on who does well. Now onto what I think the Jays could do with their current roster for the 2011 season, beginning with the most unlikely.

1. Rajai Davis Starts In Center And Vernon Wells Moves To Right

People have mentioned other possible lineup changes but nobody has mentioned moving Wells. This would give them a better defense than Davis in LF and Snider in RF I think, and before last year there was talk about Wells' declining defense. They traded for Davis and he could just be a 4th outfielder, but if they actually traded for him you have to think they like him quite a bit. If they really want Davis in the lineup it would be gutsy to go ahead and move Wells to RF because this would give them the best defense and lineup with the players they currently have. Davis has more speed in CF than Wells but has a poor arm so can't play RF and it would mean he is at the top of the lineup every day. Snider in RF and Davis in LF of course is more likely so as not to upset Wells but I think there is a chance they could do this.

2. Carlos Villanueva Is Given A Chance To Start And Be In The Rotation

They traded Milwaukee for him in the offseason and I like the trade. Check out his good K/IP and K/BB ratio, especially for last year. Milwaukee even sent him down to AAA for a couple months last year so he hasn't been unbelievable but he has potential just like with the Jays getting Morrow last year. When they traded for Morrow last year there was not much talk at all about him being moved back to a starter but I thought right away they would probably do it. Right after the trade people just thought he might be a closer or in the bullpen. It's the same thing with Villanueva as everyone just thinks he is a decent bullpen pick up as he has never been a full time starter and was in the bullpen all of last year. But I think he could possibly be given a chance to start. Drabek would start the year at AAA to give Villanueva the chance.

3. Jose Bautista Moves To Third Base

This prediction is more likely than the others and has been discussed but I have to mention it since it is what allows my first prediction to possibly come true. They would have Bautista at 3B and Snider in left. They just signed Edwin Encarnacion but it sounds certain they don't want him playing 3B because of poor defense, but instead want him to split 1B and DH with Lind. Lind is going to try playing 1B. With the current roster, some people have thought Bautista might have to be moved to 3B if they don't get a different 3B. Another option that has been talked about is moving Aaron Hill to 3B and getting a 2B.

4. Travis Snider Hits 4th Or 5th By The Middle Of The Year

I think the Jays batting order could change often during the year because of the players they have. Depending on who hits well and what works they could move guys around. But the most obvious one that could change as the season goes on without taking into account if he has an up or down year is Travis Snider. With the other players you don't know how good of an offensive year they will have, but Snider should really just get better this year. He is one year older and as long as he is healthy should turn into a good hitter this year. Their best lineup by the end of the year would have Snider hitting cleanup I believe, though he may be only likely to make it to the 5th hole this year. I personally think an interesting lineup would be Davis, Hill, Bautista, Snider, Wells, Lind, Encarnacion, Arencibia, Escobar.

5. The Hitting Lineup

  • Rajai Davis - CF
  • Yunel Escobar - SS
  • Joe Bautista - 3B
  • Vernon Wells - RF
  • Adam Lind - 1B
  • Aaron Hill - 2B
  • Travis Snider - LF
  • Edwin Encarnacion - DH
  • J.P. Arencibia - C

6. The Pitching Rotation


  • Ricky Romero - SP
  • Brandon Morrow - SP
  • Brett Cecil - SP
  • Carlos Villanueva - SP
  • Mark Rzepczynski - SP
  • Kyle Drabek - SP - AAA


  • Jason Frasor - RP
  • Shawn Camp - RP
  • Casey Janssen - RP
  • David Purcey - RP
  • Jesse Carlson - RP
  • Jesse Litsch - RP