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Thanks To Everyone - Company Anonymous

Thanks Company Anonymous

Hey all you people from Company Anonymous. And to everyone else who might read this, hi Mom. I'll probably remove this post in a couple weeks so get it while it's still here. It has sure been a crazy, overwhelming, fun, exciting, monotonous, difficult, challenging, and rewarding experience moving to Town Anonymous and working here this past year. I really have learned a lot and I certainly didn't know what I was getting into. It was a great challenge to work here and I had a lot of great days and learned a lot of different things about people, consultant businesses, sales, GIS, and most importantly about software development. I think I probably listen and pick things up a lot more than people realize.

The most important thing I want to say to everyone is that when I was given something to do and really work on something with you or for you, I enjoyed it way more than you'd realize. I know I can seem like quite a curmudgeon sometimes, but I really am a person who likes doing things, and working together on things. I really like to try and focus on work and enjoy getting into it, whether it's working with someone or by myself. And I did have some difficulty trying to do that here sometimes with some different distractions. But honestly, the only thing I didn't like doing was when I was doing data entry and finding reports all by myself. Even making maps for a little bit was kind of fun as it felt like I was helping out, especially the one weekend to try and meet a deadline.

One thing that I enjoyed here that I haven't always had at jobs is that it was really fun working with such a good group of intelligent and thoughtful people. It was neat to work on things together where you know the other people are pretty capable and are able to work together to get things done. And whenever I was working on any project with people, especially anything to do with software development, I really enjoyed working on it and trying to do a great job. I certainly struggled when I was asked to do data entry and find reports all by myself because that is not what I wanted to do or felt I had been hired to do. I tried to make the best of it when I was asked to do that and still do a great job.

There were certainly a few reasons why I felt I needed to move on at this time, which I just couldn't ignore. I took a couple of unpaid weeks off on my own to think about them and then decided to resign after returning from that break. But even considering them, the most important reason I decided to leave is because I really want to work in software development and I want to make that happen even though it might not be easy. For different reasons that wasn't really happening here. Everything that happened there, good and bad, is just a part of working towards that and a part of things I have to overcome to make that happen. I would like to get a job with a specific and focused role as a software developer or quality assurance analyst. I have to continue to work towards that goal and to keep my energy positive. And ultimately to stay happy while working towards that, because I know I'm a great employee and will work hard to learn anything if given the opportunity.

I want to thank everyone involved in hiring and managing me here. I really appreciate the opportunity I was given, and I realize the lengths you go to at times to try and keep everyone happy, working, and use the abilities of different people to run a business and get different projects done. There are a lot of great people here, and I for one realize what a great job Bart, Tanya, Karl, and Jeff do and how difficult their position can be.

And to everyone, I hope you all continue to find people and things in your life that bring you happiness and not stress, because as far as I've been able to tell that's all that really matters in the end.

Thanks People

Now here's the part where it really gets even more boring and if I was giving an Oscar speech I'd be cut off long ago. But this is my blog so I can do whatever I wanna do. So, roughly in the order that I remember working with people or getting to know you a bit personally.

Amber - Wow you're awesome. I was lucky to get to sit by you and work with you a bit when I first got there. Your bubbly personality was definitely missed when you had to leave. I didn't get to hear you and James talk about all kinds of crazy things anymore and James started talking to himself sometimes 😉 jk. I really liked helping you out with some of the web development stuff and I can tell you now that I even actually enjoyed working on TVic stuff or anything else you had me do. Plus, it's also fun for a guy anytime they hear a girl say boobies, and I still remember the first day you making an important note while I was reading the harassment policy that I make sure that I don't touch anyone's. I was like, OK this place is going to be an interesting experience 🙂

Neil - You wanted to be buddies right away. I didn't get to know you too well, but I could tell right away that you have a kind soul. I was often like this I know, but definitely at that time I was way too busy working and focusing on what I had to do than to talk to you much.

Matt - I think you're probably a lot smarter and better at everything you do than you think. I'm sure you know this, but you should realize that a lot of other people don't really work like you or get as much work done as you do. It was neat to be working upstairs with someone like you for a bit and I don't know what you're doing but I hope you kick yourself in the butt enough at some point in your life to do crappy things like going to interviews or whatever else to get what you deserve.

Alex - Honestly, the biggest thing I remember about you when I started trying to do some work for you was probably how burned out you were at that time. I was really trying hard to do some work on my own and help with as much as I could as I learned Unity really quickly. I didn't expect to start off doing game development, but what a great challenge for me and that was so much fun. I still remember the day I got the sliders for the sun and shadows working and showed you. Felt good to show you I could actually figure things out and I might be able to help with some things you didn't know how to do. It was fun for me trying to work together with you though, and seemed a little odd to me to just stop cold turkey after I had started to learn that. As I've told you before, it's amazing how you have figured out how to get some things done and into the projects you are doing. You probably feel bored sometimes, but don't forget to take a look back and realize everything you've learned and how great a job you've done to figure all of this stuff out.

Rohit - This is going to sound a little weird, but I'm just being honest, and you honestly have a smile that lights up a room. Man, if everyone could smile and laugh half as much or half as big as you do, we'd all be happier people. I know that's one thing I should work on for sure. Thanks for inviting me to things even though I pretty much always said no. It was nice getting to know you a bit more just after we moved to the new office and you stopped in a bit more to see me and to chat about MapSocial or other things.

Rob - Thanks for being a person that didn't work around me but still realized I might not be a jerk or stupid just because I can be quiet around everyone. I really appreciated you coming to say hi all the time and check in on what I was working on. Thanks for bringing up with a couple different people at times some of the things I was doing, like making it possible to position and move the buildings in the 3D model app, when nobody else but Alex had a clue what I was working on or had done. You're a grade A guy.

Aaron - You were a really cool guy to chat with once in awhile. Kudos to you in a similar way as Amber. You did a great job with the move to the new office. But I know it's old hat to you, and that's the kind of stuff you deal with all the time. I remember being the first one in and coming in the first day that we had the new office. You hadn't slept and were like "Watch out I might not show any tact on this little sleep." My reply "That's why it's great to work at a place like this where you don't have to worry about that." Anyways, yay new office. It was a fun time and you got us all hooked up and ready to go with some prodding and a few stressful days. And I enjoyed a few chats we had at both the old place and the new place.

Cole - I really try to take my time to get to know people generally, but you were another person I met like Neil where I knew after talking just a few sentences what a great guy you are. Glad we had a few more chats at the new place and thanks for making a point to come and talk with me after you heard I was leaving.

James - You have that ability that I sadly don't have, to be friendly and talkative with anyone. Someone like you is so important to a team and so great to be around. Sitting here not sure what to say to you or about you. I guess more than anyone, I wish I'd gotten a chance to get to know you a bit more at times and made the effort to talk to you a bit more. To continue talking to you about tech and software. I guess looking back, that as soon as I was put on data entry I didn't feel I could fit in with you guys, especially since it was a little crazy and hard enough to begin with. It was fun trying to work on the software development side with you, Devon, and Amber while it lasted. But for many reasons it just didn't work out, which was certainly disappointing to me. Thanks for working with me as I was learning some different things like unit testing, Silverlight, and automated testing. All the work I did with you guys was fun and I appreciate your effort especially of trying to have a quiet guy like me fit in with you guys. You guys should really be proud of the work you've done to create Insight on Silverlight and it came together in the end better than I thought it was going to honestly. Not easy to make a piece of software like that with just two guys like you guys did. I truly was happy to be a part of that.

Devon - I envy your ability to have fun and enjoy your work. Just so you know, most people aren't having as much fun at work as you do. You are in like the .01 percent of people in the world who have a good job and can get into their work and enjoy it that much. That was the thing that struck me most about you and James and why I wanted to try to get in and work as a wingman in some way. I figured if I put my head down and actually worked I can learn anything and I might be able to help out but it didn't work out. I really enjoyed working for a few months with you and James, especially doing QA for you guys. You can bet I'll never forget working with you back and forth on bugs, because it was so much fun for me. And I appreciated the positive comments every once in awhile about the good work I was doing. Also, your attitude and the way you handled your wife's health problems really was inspiring to me at that time and made me think about some things in my own life a bit at the time. I like how you just continually dealt with it in a positive way as much as you could, and I know that your attitude towards something like that has made it much easier for her. My mom has MS and I have seen firsthand my father's support and how much he has helped her accept that even though it's not easy.

Bart - I can't explain how great it was to work for you. I got so much enjoyment out of trying to do a good job for you, even if I was a bit run down near the end. I felt good when I felt like I started showing you enough of what I was doing with Devon and James, where you felt you could just say hey Munro have a look at this. Thank you for everything, some of which I'm not even smart enough to understand or know, because I don't know what all you did for me. Like if you had to convince people it might be worth me doing some QA or whatever. But I appreciate a great deal your effort to try and work me into things. I'll never have the people skills or be quite smart enough to do what you do, but I learned a bit from the management side of things watching how you did things. We think a lot alike and I really know how difficult it's been in your position. I wish I could explain a bit better this note to you, but that will have to do. I often wished I was more capable for you as well where I could have found a way to do more. Obviously, you're just a great guy too. I was too busy either working hard when doing software development, or feeling like I didn't fit in doing data entry, to get to know you better. Good luck with everything.

Laura - It was really fun learning from you when I had to tackle that one project on my own, and also when everyone was makin' maps. I mean Devon, James, and Amber are great, but getting to work with someone else for a bit was a good change at that time since other people rarely came upstairs to the crazy world up there. You're just a great person all around. Glad I got to know you, and when I heard your laugh around the office I couldn't help but smile for some reason. Again, I really liked when I worked with you and had fun helping you hard working GIS crew out a little bit.

Amber - You are superwoman. You honestly deserved a trophy for everything you did to move the office downtown while you were pregnant. I saw a lot of people do a lot of good things there, but from my perspective nothing was amazing as that. You'll always be underappreciated and that's just the way it goes. People, including me, just don't realize how difficult your job is and all of the things you have to do to make the office run smoothly, and being asked to do so many different things. I'm just remembering things, and it sure was funny the day you told us about getting into the wrong side of your car to drive or something like that, while you had pregnant brain or whatever. I liked how you had the honesty to come in and tell that to everyone at the meeting. If you handle being a mom like everything else, you're a great one already. I hope it's all been going well for you guys.

Jeff - If more people like you were running businesses there would be a lot more happier people at their jobs. I often wondered if you creating a work atmosphere like that just happens naturally, or if you really were always working at or learning how to treat people. One thing I learned from listening to you is how you aren't afraid to not be the expert, and let other people sound like they are smart while you learn from them. Friendly, talkative, and still very humble; a pretty great combo. If I was a client, I know I couldn't resist that easy going charm of yours. It's really amazing to someone like me to see someone like you and how you treat everyone that comes into the office. That was something I got to see more at the new office that was really neat.

Tanya - You and I are nothing alike. You are awesome and fun. Oh crap, that makes me not awesome and boring. I can admit it. I remember thinking a couple times that you must be some mythical creature and I wasn't quite sure if you were real. I also remember in one of my first morning meetings where I said "I'm writing some scripts" and you said "What you're eating chicken strips?" I laughed every time I heard you do a similar thing in the meeting, sometimes just on the inside. The last one I heard, and definitely one of the funniest: "Panda application?!? We're getting a panda?" Thanks for kindly putting up with my boring update emails about what I was doing and how many reports I'd entered, where I tried to sound like I was doing something important. Also I'm obviously not a natural in meetings with clients and it was nice sitting in a few with you running the show and knowing you'd bring it all back to normalcy if I did something stupid or didn't know what the heck I was talking about.

Sarah - The funny thing about people who are quiet sometimes is that they sometimes never get to know other people who are quiet, for obvious reasons. I'm glad I finally got to know you a bit more. Thanks to the new office where I wasn't stuck upstairs working by myself, and a troll doll. Even though we crossed paths a bit at the old place too. I guess this is something I should say to everyone else and not you, but I think you're probably way smarter than people would realize. I think we are kind of similar in some ways and I envied you sometimes thinking about what different situations we were put in and how we were treated very differently simply because of our job titles and working in different parts of the office. We had two completely different experiences all in the same office and at times it would have been neat to swap places with you, or work with you guys maybe. Hope you enjoyed your vacation.

Brandon - I'm not really able to evaluate someone in your position like some other people there just because I don't know everything about what you do. But from everything I know, you are someone I'd recommend right now to any company. I don't really know what you've done before this, but you actually surprised me quite a bit and it was fun working with you. I like how you get focused and prepared for things. I like your attitude towards everyone. Keep your eye on whatever prize you want. You have good ideas, treat everyone well, and also follow through. I could not do your job and I don't know how you stay motivated like you do. For someone who's stuck to it and continued to work hard through some adversity, I have to give you big props. I liked the one day you sent an article about companies being more truthful or open about things. If I was to give you any advice it might be to focus in on what really matters and find people and situations that allow you to focus on those things. Find what works and really brings value and not just on appearances. Not just because that is what could really work best in the end, but maybe more so because that may be what will bring you more joy in your work. That's way too vague to be helpful, but anyway keep plugging along. You're a really cool dude in my books.

Brij - Just like working with Alex, Amber, Devon and James, I really had fun when I finally got a chance to work with you while I was testing and doing QA for MapSocial. Kudos to you for taking seriously every single suggestion or feedback I had. Man that was fun for a month or so. I guess I felt I found my role a bit there when I was working on QA yet again and really felt I was helping out more because of what I had learned doing for Devon, James, and then Alex a bit with testing. I have Bart to thank for that I know. There is a reason everyone likes you. You are flat out just a great guy. I wish I was a more well rounded and friendly person like you at times, and you were a really cool guy to get to know, mostly from afar as I was busy working.

Chris - Man you're a great guy. Maybe in some alternate universe I had a little more experience when I came to Company Anonymous and we somehow got together and were work pals. I don't think I ever became comfortable enough there where I could have been myself more and get to know you. But it was sure fun doing some testing and other suggestions for MapSocial while you were half way around the world. Just like Devon and James, I was surprised with how much of the suggestions I made that you respected and worked on. Especially when it was tough enough for you to be working on a project pretty much by yourself. It was fun to see MapSocial come together with you and Brij for that month or two. Sadly, I was too overwhelmed with different things at times and also just the way things worked out didn't get to know you a bit better. Here's another weird one to admit but right from early on I always looked forward to what you had to say you were working on in the morning meeting. I'd wish you luck in life if I thought you needed it, but I think you'll do ok.

Jeff - If you are anything like me you might wonder sometimes why people feel the need to talk about everything, and announce everything they do. Just do it! But we can both admit I'm sure that the office might be a little boring with just people like you and me. It's probably a tough call, but I'd have to say you are the hardest working person in the office if I had to guess. Not that I got to know you much, but I could also tell that you're a great listener, which probably makes you bring some peace and contentment to other people in the office and in your life at times more than you'd realize.

Nicole - I was glad I got a chance to work with you early on and maybe make you feel a little more comfortable in your first couple of weeks when you might have been a little nervous like anyone. Glad Bart had me help you out with that too. That week we worked on that Insight sales guide together a bit happened to be a very difficult week for me personally as well and you actually cheered me up quite a bit. I enjoyed it and it made that time easier working with you a bit since you appreciated me helping you out and I got to work on something with someone again. You're a pretty smart cookie though. I was really happy when I saw you get a little more comfortable and weren't as nervous. No more 4:00 breaks for you to look forward to and know that you are on the home stretch of the work day.

Hailey - Well you sure had a crazy first week. You are really a trooper. I enjoyed working with you for sure. Seemed almost easy for me to just work with you right off the bat and I liked how you weren't afraid to really get going and get something done. I'm sorry that project isn't as well together as it should be. I certainly struggled with it at times and didn't leave it in the best of shape for you in the end. I really wish you the best with all of the big changes in your life, like this new job.


I don't really expect people to read this post and I know that it's way overkill and a little weird. But it's more my way of saying thanks to everyone and looking back on the last year at work and remembering some of the good times and the positive qualities of different people I met there. You work towards things but you never know exactly what life is going to throw your way next, and working at Company Anonymous the last year was a journey I did my best to enjoy and it was a pretty good one a lot of the time.

Thanks everyone.