Polyprax - Scholar of Wellbeing
Tips & quotes to make your life better
Welfare Educator β€’ Teacher β€’ Motivator
Lifestyle Researcher β€’ Learner β€’ Student

6 Folders To Organize Your Apps

  1. Work - Productivity, Create, Documents, Mail, Calendar, Notes, Develop, Images
  2. Live - Communication, Phone, Chat, Social, Groups, Forums, Camera, Microphone
  3. Read - Reference, Dictionary, Education, Learning, Books, News, Magazines, Blogs
  4. Play - Entertainment, Music, Movies, Shows, Television, Videos, Radio, Podcasts
  5. FactΒ - Information, Database, Maps, Weather, Shopping, Money, Downloads, FTP
  6. Tool - Utilities, System, Terminal, Automation, Clocks, Home, Calculators, Converts