Ideas & tips to make your life better
Social Philosopher • Writer • Ideologist
Welfare Educator • Advisor • Motivator


A person who has and does many practices, habits, activities, or interests, possibly instead of focusing on having only one job or working for a living.



  1. A person who has and does many practices, habits, activities, or interests, possibly instead of focusing on having only one job or working for a living.
  2. A person who may have many purposes or roles, and is inspired by and follows their own goals and dreams to do things for themself, others, and the world.
  3. A person who may have many purposes, goals, missions, or aims throughout their lifetime.
  4. A person who may have many roles, crafts, positions, or professions throughout their lifetime.
  5. A person who may choose to try and live a simple life focused on action and practices instead of money and materials, or doing and being instead of paying and buying. They may focus on thinking about and doing things for themselves and other people instead of paying for things or buying things for people and themselves.
  6. A person who may not always have a job or work for a living within a capitalistic society or any other societal system which creates tremendous inequality, rewards people who are exploitatively wealthy, or encourages implicit or explicit slavery of people based on their job, role, or position within the society.

Similar New Words

  • Polyprax - A person who has many practices, habits, activities, or interests.
  • Polyskop - A person who has many purposes, goals, aims, or objectives.
  • Polyepan - A person who has many roles, crafts, positions, or professions.
  • Polyergo - A person who has many jobs, duties, work, or chores.
  • Polytech - A person who makes many things, crafts, objects, or artworks.
  • Polykano - A person who does many things, actions, deeds, or tasks.

Similar Existing Words

  • Polymath - A person who knows or understands many learnings, studies, or subjects.
  • Polyglot -  A person who can speak or write many languages.

September 4th, 2024