The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. - Confucius
Category: Life
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Remember The 80/20 Rule
Remember that 80% of the result comes from 20% of your time, work, or activities, and that 80% could be good enough for many tasks by focusing on the essential 20% of your efforts and activities.
16 Things I wish they had taught me in school - Positivity Blog
This is one of the best ways to make better use of your time. The 80/20 rule - also known as The Pareto Principle - basically says that 80 percent of the value you will receive will come from 20 percent of your activities. So a lot of what you do is probably not as useful or even necessary to do as you may think. You can just drop - or vastly decrease the time you spend on - a whole bunch of things.
Adjust The Sails
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. - William Arthur Ward
Remember You Are Not Inferior
No one can make you feel inferior without your permission. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Remember Good People Do Bad Things
Remember that people may often do inconsiderate things when they are in groups, and that people who strongly affiliate with one group of people may naturally want to harm outsiders who are not in that group.
When good people do bad things - MIT News Office
When people get together in groups, unusual things can happen — both good and bad. Groups create important social institutions that an individual could not achieve alone, but there can be a darker side to such alliances: Belonging to a group makes people more likely to harm others outside the group.
In a study that recently went online in the journal NeuroImage, the researchers measured brain activity in a part of the brain involved in thinking about oneself. They found that in some people, this activity was reduced when the subjects participated in a competition as part of a group, compared with when they competed as individuals. Those people were more likely to harm their competitors than people who did not exhibit this decreased brain activity.
Decide Who You're Going To Be
At some point, you got to decide for yourself who you’re going to be. Can’t let nobody make that decision for you. - Moonlight Movie
Write A List Of Goals
Write down a list of your goals and dreams, because writing thoughts and ideas down is the first step to making them come to life.
12 Lists that help you get things done -
A list of your short- and long-term goals can be a great motivator, as well as a trigger list to help generate new projects. I also like to have a list of areas of focus, the different roles that I play, each of which comes with a different set of tasks and goals.
Organize Documents By Type
Simplify the amount of folders you use by organizing your documents into folders by type, and only creating albums, groupings, or project folders when necessary.
Geek To Live: Organizing my documents - Lifehacker
There are a million and one ways to arrange files and folders on disk. Some might argue that spending a moment even thinking about it in the age of desktop search is unnecessary. That may be true, but some semblance of order will clear your desktop and your mind and make you "ready for anything." Over the years I've come up with a six folder structure for "My Documents" which I create on every computer I use without fail. This scheme accommodates every file I might come across, keeps my desktop clear, smoothly fits in with an automated backup system and also makes command line file wrangling a breeze.
Remember Love And Hate Are Taught
The kids are having none of it. They can't be bought, they can't be taught your hate.
The Kids Are Having None Of It - Frazey Ford
Get out of the way
You've had your day
And it's no longer how we gon' playThe kids are having none of it
The kids are having none of it
They can't be bought, they can't be taught your hateAlways a mistake
To underestimate
Watch them now, they're stepping to the plateThe kids are having none of it
The kids are having none of it
They can't be bought, they can't be taught your hate
Be Content With What You Have
Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. - Lao Tzu
Use Sad Stories To Make Change
I don't think that our sad stories are supposed to teach us how to survive the world. I think they're supposed to make us want to change it. - Fly Me To The Moon Movie
Find Out How Far You Can Go
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. - T. S. Eliot
Remember The Pygmalion Effect
Remember that you can positively influence other people's lives by telling them you believe in them, you think they are a good person, they possess good qualities, and you expect they will perform well because they have the ability to do so.
The Pygmalion effect is a psychological phenomenon in which high expectations lead to improved performance in a given area and low expectations lead to worse. It is named after the Greek myth of Pygmalion, the sculptor who fell so much in love with the perfectly beautiful statue he created that the statue came to life. According to the Pygmalion effect, the targets of the expectations internalize their positive labels, and those with positive labels succeed accordingly; a similar process works in the opposite direction in the case of low expectations. The idea behind the Pygmalion effect is that increasing the leader's expectation of the follower's performance will result in better follower performance. Within sociology, the effect is often cited with regard to education and social class.
Remember Praise Is Better Than Punishment
A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall. - Abraham Lincoln
Be Yourself In The World
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
6 Great Life Improvement Blogs
Finish Your Projects And Goals
You can have all the best ingredients, but you need to know when to pull the cake out of the oven. - Bill Maris
Simplify To The Essentials
"It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential." - Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee’s top 7 fundamentals for getting your life in shape - Positivity Blog
If you want to improve your life then it’s tempting to want to add more. One problem with this may be that you don’t really have the time or energy to do more though. And so your efforts to improve become short-lived. Adding more and more just creates more stress and anxiety. Removing clutter and activities, tasks and thoughts that are not so important frees up time and energy for you to do more of what you really want to do. And as the clutter in your outer world decreases the clutter in your inner world also has a tendency to decrease. This has the added benefit of making it easier to actually enjoy whatever you are doing even more while you are doing it.
Get Started, Then Get Up
Get started by doing something for just a minute or two, and then get up to applaud yourself for getting started.
Ways to do what you don’t want to do - Zen Habits
If you have to write something, just write a sentence. Then get up, get some water, stretch. Pat yourself on the back for getting started! Now do a little more: write a few more sentences. Get up, take a mental break (don’t go to another website), do a few pushups. Go back, do a bit more. Pretty soon, you’re in the flow of it.