Intelligence and ignorance are two different paths to the goal of happiness, to be followed at different times.
Category: Soci Lines
Use Brevity To Improve Society
Brevity may be a key to improve our society.
Say Anything Of Importance
When you say anything of extreme importance and honesty, expect others to react quickly, negatively, and defensively.
Be Kind And Considerate
It takes more effort to be kind and considerate instead of reacting negatively, but it is worth the effort.
Be Willing To Be Condemned
It is better to be willing to be condemned by others who disagree with or don't appreciate your ideas than to live in fear and not express them at all.
When You Don't Succeed
When you don't succeed, continue to proceed. The path to your goal was just too steep.
Life Can Be Simple
Why life on earth can seem so difficult even when it's so simple could be one of the greatest mysteries of this world.
Happiness Isn't Knowing Everything
Happiness may be easier not knowing how everything really works.
Take Dated Notes
I wonder if it is better and simpler to make sure you always date your notes, and to only take dated notes instead of trying to organize them for reference.
Stop Making Movies About War
I wonder if one of the best ways to find peace on earth would be for us to stop making movies about war.
Make Life Better And More Equal
For a better world, I wonder if we need to make a better and more equal life for the average person who does their best to provide any helpful work, regardless of their intelligence and the job or service they end up doing and providing for all of us.
Longer Doesn't Mean Stronger
That which does not kill us makes us live longer.
Learn To Think Independently
Being able to think independently may be the most important thing I've learned in my life.
Matter Not Losing Or Failure
Matter not losing or failure, only learning for the future.
People Can Make Life Better
The world is in a better place than ever because of many people with caring hearts and intelligent minds who genuinely want to make life better.
Helpful Ideas Change The World
Individual people with helpful ideas to share may be more powerful and have the ability to change the world more than any time in the history of the world.
Never Save, Forever A Slave
Never save, forever a slave.
Teach A Person To Dream
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Teach a person to dream and they feed the world for a generation.
There Are No Surprises
There are no surprises, there is only what happens next.