Like Lotus The Car

I recently overheard the following fleeting and quick question and answer between two people, "Lotus like the insect, or lotus like the flower?" "Like lotus the car." Just in case you were wondering if we currently live in a culture of consumerism, capitalism, and materialism.

Worry And Anxiety About The Future - Lola Blanc

"Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due." - William Ralph Inge

  • I wonder if worry and anxiety about a possible negative future are best turned into a grateful and hopeful mindset for what is good about today, and how positive the future could be if we dream for it.
  • It may be that the things that truly affect us negatively often happen out of the blue, and we are more resilient and able to cope with those events than we realize. A grateful and hopeful mindset may help us enjoy what we have today, and make a future that is happier and better.