Notes, tips & guides to make life better
Welfare Educator • Teacher • Motivator
Lifestyle Researcher • Learner • Student

Goals And Dream For Life Thinkist

I love reading and learning about the following subjects and feel I've learned a great deal about them.

  • Life Improvement
  • Goal Setting and Habits
  • Productivity and Task Management
  • Lifehacking and Software
  • Simplicity and Minimalism
  • Happiness and Positivity
  • Physical and Mental Health
  • Simple Finances and Independence

There are a lot of great websites and resources out there for learning about these topics. Essentially places for learning about how to live life. One thing I've noticed is that there is so much information out there that it can be hard to find the good stuff. That is a gap that Life Thinkist hopes to at least help fill.

One main goal of Life Thinkist will be to find links to the best articles out there. Life Thinkist may not provide really long commentary other than maybe a paragraph or a sentence to many links and articles. It's a place to come to in order to find the great news and resources out there on life improvement written by many great writers. We still may provide some longer features written here because I also have some ideas myself that I may sometimes feel inspired to write about. But these longer features will probably be infrequent, and the main goal will be to provide the best news and links that are out there.

Another thing I've noticed is that the subject of "Life Improvement" or "Productivity" isn't really thought of as "News". Subjects like sports, entertainment, and technology all have such a strong following with popular blogs which provide news. Whereas with life improvement blogs, many of the websites are one person magazine type blogs with articles written by one person. I absolutely love many of these magazine blogs by all kinds of amazing writers. I read them all the time. But I wondered if we couldn't get some more useful and helpful life improvement information out to people if we thought of all of these blogs more as news.

So one crazy goal for Life Thinkist is to make "Life Improvement", or just "Life", a news topic. To be a source to find the best of all the great news, articles, blogs, books, and other resources out there on life improvement and the above topics. And though it sounds like a crazy dream, to ultimately help improve not just people's lives but humanity as a whole. Maybe by making life improvement more like news and simpler for people, we can get more people interested in reading about it and finding little tips that they can actually use to help transform and improve their life and the world around them.

Thirdly, Life Thinkist is going to try to make people feel at least a part of a community as we learn together. Life Thinkist will try to provide a place that people enjoy coming to because they know that the creators and the other people who read it are there for a similar passion and reason. I don't know if Life Thinkist will ever grow to become much of a community other than a few comments. But I do know a big goal is to create a community of people around Life Improvement news and information, and to try to bring these people with a similar interest the best news and links on life improvement.

I don't know how long this website will last and I expect the goal for the website may change over time if it does last awhile. If it becomes successful enough to gain some loyal readers then I'm hoping that the website will grow and adapt with the readers and the community that supports it. I hope to listen to the community and anyone who becomes interested in the website so that I can find news, links, articles, information, and other resources that are useful and interesting to people who are interested in life improvement. At the same time, I know the subjects that I'm interested in and Life Thinkist will adapt with what I find interesting as well.

So the goal of Life Thinkist is to be a source which provides people with links to the best news, information, and articles on improving your life, getting things done, and learning how to be happy. We also hope to provide a community where people can have an intelligent discussion about these topics. Please enjoy the website and make comments on any of the articles so that we can build a community around improving our lives, getting things done, and learning to be happier.

May 2nd, 2014