βΎοΈ Munro's Rules
- Munro's Daily Habit Rule - Create a daily habit to proceed and succeed
- Munro's Daily Log Rule - Create a daily log to keep going and growing
- Munro's Think It Rule - Think about it and believe it to visualize or achieve it
- Munro's Write It Rule - Write it down and read it to remember or complete it
Other's Rules
- 80/20 Rule - 80% of the result comes from 20% of the time, work, or activities
- Autosuggestion Principle - Write down and visualize your desired goals or traits
- Begin With The End In MindΒ - Write down and visualize the end result or goal
- Golden RuleΒ - Treat others as you would like others to treat you
- Occam's Razor - Prefer the solution with the fewest amount of factors or steps
- Pareto Principle - 80% of the effects comes from 20% of the causes or inputs
- Pygmalion Effect - Positively influence others by telling them you believe in them
- Rome Wasn't Built In A DayΒ - It takes time to create or achieve great things
- Self Fulfilling Prophecy - Positively influence your life by believing in yourself