Use Text Files For Tasks

Consider using simple text files to help you get things done and keep track of your tasks, todo lists, projects, and goals, instead of using a complicated tasks app.

Amazing Mac apps for getting things done (plus a custom-rigged setup) - Zen Habits

While I love the apps mentioned above, I personally look for super simple. So I’ve settled on a setup taken from Gina and Adam’s articles on Lifehacker (read the tutorials: Geek to Live and Hack Attack). Text files: Basically, I organize my tasks in a series of text files. That’s because they’re super simple, easy to manipulate, and small. My four files:

  • @today: my three MITs for today, along with calls, batch tasks, and an inbox for new things added to the list.
  • @ideas: any ideas for projects, posts, or anything really.
  • @errands: includes regular errands and my shopping list.
  • @todo: my list of 3 projects I’m working on and any other todo items I’m not going to do today.